In the elementary art program, students will develop creativity and problem-solving skills, build and expand their understanding of art and successfully manipulate a variety of media.
The elementary art curriculum allows students to begin to:
- Demonstrate understanding of artistic principles through effective use of media, tools, vocabulary and processes.
- Manipulate various media, materials and/or images to be expressive.
- Develop and relate his or her knowledge of art to themselves and others.
- Understand, discuss and respond to works of art.
General Music
The K4 through fifth grade music program offers a broad spectrum of opportunities designed to promote development of each child's musical potential. It is our goal to provide each student with the skills necessary to both create and enjoy music while understanding it as a universal means of expression. Lessons are designed to convey the joy of music that will encourage each child to see musical opportunities later in life.
Language Arts
The purpose of language arts instruction is to develop learners who will become proficient and confident readers, writers, speakers and listeners.
In junior kindergarten, students will know, understand or demonstrate an awareness of at a grade level appropriate level:
- How to handle books appropriately
- Enjoyment of being read to in a large group setting and one/one
- How to read own first name
- How to respond and participate in songs, rhymes and finger plays
- How to name most upper case letters
- Rhyming and beginning sounds
- Basic story concepts
- Reading of environmental print, pattern books, names of classmates and family members, etc.
- Writing (may attempt scribbling, copying, temporary spelling, etc.)
- How to write own first name
The purpose of mathematics education is to build the high levels of mathematical skills, processes and problem solving necessary to meet the challenge of a changing technological society.
In junior kindergarten, students will know, understand or demonstrate some awareness of at a grade appropriate level:
- Identify basic colors and shapes
- Identify numerals 0-10
- Rote count by ones 1-20
- Accurately count 10 objects
- Identify simple patterns
- Sort objects by single attributes(color, shape, etc.)
- Use/understand terms "more"and "less"
- Graphs
- Problem solving strategies
- Introduction to addition and subtraction
Physical Education
Physical Education will enable each student to acquire the knowledge and skills to pursue and enjoy a lifetime of healthful activities.
Elementary physical education offers a wide variety of physical activities to our students. Our theme of "children learning to move and moving to learn" guides us to teach not only physical skills, but also movement concepts and principles needed for their development.
Optimal fitness for students ages 4 to 11 is the priority. Building healthy lifestyles through physical activity is discussed and practiced in every class. Good sportsmanship, teamwork, respect and establishing positive attitudes and self-confidence are also common threads in each lesson. Students will learn responsible social and personal behavior in the gym while fitness and physical skills are practiced and aerobic and sport-specific games are played.
We hope that children will wholeheartedly enjoy physical activity so it will become an integral part of their daily lives and carry over into adulthood.
Through science education, students will develop the scientific knowledge, skills and attitude that enable them to make informed use of science in their lives.
In junior kindergarten, students will know and understand at a developmentally appropriate level:
- That weather conditions (ex. temperature, rain, snow) can change daily and that patterns change over the seasons
- That animals have features that help them live in different environments
- That animals change as they grow and develop
- That animals in their growth and development require air, water, food, and shelter
- To identify the five senses and what each sense allows the body to do
- That the five senses work together fo find out about the world
- That learning can come from observation and simple experiments
- That pollution, forces of nature and humans have an effect on the environment
Social Studies
Through social studies, students will acquire knowledge and skills necessary to become informed, decision-making citizens of local, national and global societies.
In junior kindergarten, students will know and understand at a grade appropriate level:
- The ways in which he/she is unique
- That they are part of a community in which they live
- The importance of the family and their role in it; the importance of family heritage and celebrations
- The difference between individuals and between families
- Respect for the American flag
- The roles that community helpers play in daily life
- The need for rules and the importance of voting to make class decisions
- Safety awareness for school and home