Summary of College Application Process
- Obtain your application online from the post-secondary school's website. Some may have their own application form to fill out, while others will use applications such as the Common Application (
- Complete the online application and pay the school's application fee, if required.
- Using Naviance, add the schools to your "colleges I'm applying to" list so teachers and counselors can see where you have applied. Make sure you select the correct application deadline using the pencil icon.
- Ask teachers for letters of recommendation, if necessary. Make sure to ask them in advance, giving them at least 4 weeks to write a letter. Ask them in person first, then "request" them via your Naviance account. Be sure to keep them updated on your earliest college deadline so they can prioritize their letter writing.
- Send standardized test scores to the schools you applied to. *It is the student’s responsibility to have official test scores sent from ACT or SAT.
- Finally, fill out the transcript request form located on the homepage of your Naviance account (released in early September, after senior meeting). *We would like you to do this at least one week in advance of your college deadline(s) to give us time to process your materials.
*To send scores to your schools, go to or
*Be sure to watch your application deadlines! Some schools have scholarship deadlines that may come earlier than their regular admissions deadline.
*See your counselor during any of the above steps if you have any questions or if you encounter problems.
Helpful websites regarding admission to the University of Wisconsin institutions:
Direct Admit Wisconsin
Wisconsin Guarantee