Welcome to the Music Parents Association!
What is the Music Parents Association (MPA)?
MPA is an umbrella organization that provides financial assistance and volunteer support to the High School, Middle School, Richards and Cumberland music departments. Once you join MPA, you are automatically also part of either Band, Choir or Orchestra Booster groups. The booster groups hold fundraisers, banquets and events that support each department.
How does MPA benefit the music program at WFBHS?
100% of your membership fee goes directly to the music departments at all WFB schools. We put your money to work through grants for summer camp, new instruments and sound equipment, guest clinicians, music stands, sheet music, senior scholarships, travel stipends and so much more! Thank you for your generosity. Your MPA membership is appreciated and is deductible as a charitable donation for federal income tax purposes.
How can I get involved?
- Join the Board! We are a group of volunteer parents who meet once a month with the music directors via zoom.
- Volunteer in the concession stand during high school sporting events. The concession stand is our primary source of funding, and a fun way to meet other music parents. Sign up at the Sign-Up Genius link above. MS students and older are invited to help in the stand as well.
- Attend our bi-annual MPA meeting, generally held in Sept. and May in the HS Band Room at 7 pm. Join us for live music, treats and a chance to meet other music-minded parents and hear from our music directors.
- “Like” Whitefish Bay Music Parents on Facebook and Instagram!