1. Please be sure to type (including signatures) and save the entire document in Adobe (rather than printing, filling out by hand, and scanning it). This way we can add to the document if necessary as well as upload your original document into Skyward.
2. You do not need a physician signature on either form as long as you have a plan from your physician at home that you can transfer the information from.
3. Please save the document as an editable/fillable PDF and email it to us.
If a student becomes ill or is injured during the school day, he/she will report to the health room. If the child is unable to remain at school, parents will be notified. If they cannot be reached, the health aide will contact the people listed on the child's emergency contact form. The health room staff cannot treat serious injuries or illnesses; they will apply ice as needed and keep your child as comfortable as possible until you arrive.
Please notify the health room of the following: your child's specific health condition or allergy, any communicable disease such as chicken pox, or any immunizations received by your child.
Medications can be delivered to school by an adult or student. No medication is given to a student without completion of the medication permission form by a parent or guardian. The medication must be in a container with the pharmacy label on it. Extra medication forms can be obtained from the health room.